It’s never too late,your time will come.

Mohammad Humayun Khan
2 min readMay 22, 2020


positive quotes

Someone has graduated 🎓 at the age of 22,yet waited 3years before securing a good job,and there is another who graduated at 25 and secured employment of their choice immediately.

Someone became CEO at 30 and died at 50 while another became a CEO at 50 but died at 90 years.Someone is still single……Someone got married and ‘waited’ 10 years before having a child,there is another who had a baby within a year of marriage.

Everyone basically should work on their ‘Time Zone’ ⌚ and not get freaked out . People can have things worked out only according to their pace. So,Follow your own path and not someone else’s,and you now or later,you will end up somewhere better.

Try to improve yourself continously. Work on yourself. Read a new book, learn a new language, pursue a new course, get out of your comfort zone, wake up early, identify your blind spot, and learn from people who inspire you, there are plenty of things which you can do. 😀

Your colleagues, friends, or younger ones might “seem’’ to go ahead of you. Maybe some might also seem to be behind you. Don’t envy them or mock them. It’s their time-zone, you are in yours.

Hold on, Be Strong 🎯 and Stay True to yourself. All your efforts will work together for your good.

You are neither too late nor too early….you’re very much ON TIME!!

Make an affirmation to yourself that your thinking will be peaceful, calm and centered.

Have a great day !! 😊



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